Becky Moore RDH Oral Systemic Educator

Meet Becky, a Healthcare Hygienist with Heart from Holly Ridge, NC!

Nov 27, 2023

Meet Becky Moore, RDH, BS from Holly Ridge, North Carolina! She is a certificate holder in Oral Systemic Education and a proud member of National Network of Healthcare Hygienists. 

Becky dreams of an education position in a public health setting, and is temping while she explores her options. She enjoys speaking, educating and especially getting to know the senior population. She said, 

“Our senior demographic is often overlooked and underfunded. They are always appreciative and interested in learning. I find them open to learning how to be healthier regardless of their age. I chose public health education as my Capstone Project for the Oral Systemic Educator Certificate Program to explore the integration of oral health into existing medical programs offered by counties for their residents.”

Becky enjoys continuous learning and sharing her knowledge to spark interest in her patients. She finds her approach helps people understand the big picture, which ignites change much more easily.

She said since completing the Oral Systemic Educator Certificate Program, she feels more prepared to educate her patients and loves seeing the "light come on" when they understand.

Becky said she loved learning from each of the educators and felt honored to be a RDH beside such talented and caring humans as she takes the next step in her career and begins collaborating more often.

“It was a great program. Amazing instructors shared their knowledge. I took really good notes so that I can go back and reread to keep adding knowledge to my presentations. I highly recommend this program. It was well worth the time, effort and investment that will reignite a passion for your career.”

Connect with Becky at [email protected] 



Are you an RDH interested in dental/medical integration and collaboration? Distinguish yourself as a specialist in your field by completing a certificateĀ program that is unsponsored, unbiased and evidence-based. Our programs are created by hygienists, for hygienists and ANSI accredited. Earn credentials that are recognized in clinical, non-clinical and hybrid roles, for a small fraction of the cost of a degree.